Sunday, 17 February 2013

Home yet again

I wasn't going to post this yet because my laptop with the pictures is ill, but...

After Machu Picchu and Aguas Calientes, we headed back to Cuzco. The city center is beautiful, and with blue painted balconies, large plazas, and intricately architecture tall buildings, it had a bit of a European feel. We hung out there for a few hours, did some shopping, and ate some super delicious food. I have had few sandwiches in my life that were as delicious as the sandwich I had a Cuzco Bar. Yum.

We took a night bus back to La Paz. Let me tell you, night buses seem WAY quicker than the day buses. Plus, we got the camas (they are like the first class of bus tickets), so that was a lot more comfortable.

Rachel went back to Santa Cruz, and I hung out in La Paz again for a couple of days. I ventured into the city for a couple of hours. Honestly, I was so overwhelmed by all the people that I couldn't handle much more than that.

The trip was such a blessing. I had adventures (which were great), but I also got to spend time with amazing friends that I don't get to see very often. And really, that's one of my most favorite things in the world. Good conversation over a cup of coffee or Mexican food, or on a train to an ancient mountain resort adds such a wonderful depth to the experience. I love it.

My next step is an adventure of an entirely different sort. As much as I love to travel, I'm ready to be home for a while, not living out of a backpack. Also, funds are running low. I need to find a way to make money that's actually enjoyable. I don't know if it's irresponsible or not, but I kind of refuse to work a job that I know I will dread. I firmly believe that humans were created to work, but that does not mean that we were created to loath our work. And since I work to live not live to work, I'm praying for something that I actually like. We'll see how that goes :)

I think I'll just post this sans pictures. Because even though my fantastic father did some work on laptop, it's still not really working. Pictures could take a while.

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