Friday, 28 September 2012

Eddie the First and Charles

So guess what! There is a castle in Caernarfon. Shocker, I know. But it's actually pretty interesting BECAUSE it's the place where the princes of Wales are actually made princes. Edward I built it...just in case you were wondering.

I went with one of the girls from the hostel. It was a good time. We got a really good leg workout. Holy spiral staircases, Batman! I just kept trying to imagine climbing the staircases in full armor or carrying a tray of tea. Craziness, I say.

It was a pretty good-sized castle, and almost all the towers were able to be climbed and explored.

After the castle, we strolled around the town for a bit. The weather was great until we saw this heading our way.

Yup, that's a giant cloud. So we said to ourselves, "This looks like a good time to head back." We walked the 50 or so paces back to the hostel and as we reached the room, we heard it. Rain. Lots and lots of rain. For the sake of Wales, I'm glad it didn't rain for very long. Poor people have had a lot of flooding in the last week.

I'm sufficiently tired now. Seriously, though stairs were killer. By the time I got to the top of a couple of towers, I was self-consciously wheezing. Well, not badly wheezing.

I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow. If it's nice I may just take a nice stroll along the water.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun (except for the legs part). Thanks for keeping us posted! I want to go see a castle!
    Love you!
