Sunday, 19 August 2012

A Girl's Shoes Say a Lot

I like shoes. I don't really love wearing them all the time, and I often have a hard time finding shoes (I have a high instep and prefer not to wear giant heels because I'm already almost six feet tall), but I am thankful for the person who first thought to design a piece of clothing specifically for the foot. 

There are two pairs in particular that are my favorite. The first being a pair of Reef flip-flops that I bought at Busch Gardens last year because I was tired of walking around in sopping wet sneakers after going on a log flume. The second are these:

covered in concrete because I was JACKHAMMERING!

And not because I look pretty legit while wearing them, but because it means that I'm doing something that requires work boots. Or at least I think it requires work boots. And because I am kind of accident-prone so the additional protection is handy (I almost cut my toe off last year while chopping wood in Sambas).

Days that I wear my boots tend to end up pretty good days, like yesterday. 

We (being my mother and sister with minimal help from nephew #1) are in the process of deconstructing the foundation of a barn that was taking down last fall. 

love blue skies
A cicada nearly scared me to death during it's seemingly kamikaze plummet toward earth, but it ended up either being really bad at the whole kamikaze thing or was just doing it's normal thing because it was still alive. Naturally, niece #1 checked it out and showed it some love until the cicada flew away. She cried because then she knew for sure that she wouldn't be able to take the giant flying bug inside for rest time.

Fortunately she was over it in about 3.4 seconds. Fifteen minutes later she had a decently sized butterfly. That, however, was dead. I do not understand her fondness for the insect world, but at least someone is enjoying the creepy flying and/or crawling things of this world.

I'm thinking someone needs to get her a shadow box so she has somewhere to store all her entomological discoveries...



  1. I don't even have a pair of "work" sneakers anymore and this makes me insanely sad. Having rented for 5.5 years, I haven't even done much wall painting. Or any I think. I miss workboot days. :(

  2. Also, a good pair of flip-flops is priceless. That I have, although mine are Rainbows. And I need to replace them because they are so worn in.
