Sunday, 29 July 2012

Oh, hey there!

So here's the deal:

I had a blog a few years back but was terrible at keeping up with it. I felt like I needed to create something that was witty, entertaining, but didn't really go very deep. I think that's because I've seen a lot of "brain vomit" on other blogs. You know, the blogs that just throw everything out there, sans filter of any sort.

And sometimes, I just didn't feel entertaining. So I stopped.

BUT I'm baaaaaacck!

This time, however, I'm going to be try balance. Real to who I am without spilling every little secret or being over-introspective to the point where you just want to yell at me. Or get me a counselor. Or maybe both.

You are welcome to encourage me, judge me, laugh at or with me, or be completely apathetic towards me. My value does not come from what you think of me through this blog (which is good, since there are probably very few people that will actually read it).

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