You see, I went to college with this fantastic person who decided to move to Bolivia to teach third graders. She arrived here over four years ago, and in 2009 I came down to visit her. We did an exciting trip around Argentina, Chile, and finally some things in Bolivia. When we got back to Bolivia, I got pretty sick so it severely limited what I could do the week I was here. Still, we managed to see Tiahuanaco (which was pretty sweet) and a little bit of La Paz.
Flash forward to 2012 and another one of my lovely friends decides to move to Santa Cruz for a year and teach. Of all the places I would think my friends might decide to move, I would not have guessed Bolivia. But anyway, I thought to myself, "Self, I should visit Bolivia again." So here I am!
I'm currently in La Paz, which is always an adventure. It is Carnival season, which means school-aged people are often caught throwing water balloons at those walking down the street. And although I got hit with one last time I was here, I've managed to avoid it so far this time around. Of course, I intentionally haven't been out much during the times when the kids are out of school.
We also left the city over the weekend to spend some time in the jungle, which was super relaxing and fun. The drive to Coroico is simply amazing. Stunning. Spectacular. Breath-taking - you name it. The Andes Mountains are decently sized in these part, and wow! Pictures do not do them justice, but just in case...
The weird spots on the picture are because it was taken out of the window of the "Beast", an ancient Landcruiser. There was a lot clouds and mist action around the mountains, so naturally I had the song from the Hobbit stuck in my head the entire time.
Part of the trip we were driving through clouds. At one point the road went right along the mountain ridge and it just dropped off on either side.
While we were there we ate some wonderful food (I ate llama with a fruit sauce and it was delicious), and we went ziplining! It was three platforms that stretched over a beautiful valley. So fun. We got back yesterday afternoon and just chilled for a while, then ate the most amazing French toast concoction. I'm going to try to make it when I get home, and I might just need to have a French toast party.
Today I went into the city to do a bit of grocery shopping. I may have mentioned before my fear of public transportation. Well, I still suffer from that, so I was super nervous, especially since my Spanish is sub par. I took a taxi to sort of where I needed to go (I think some things got lost in my butchering the language). Burger King was my reference point, so I walked up and down the street a couple times, until I gave up and decided I needed to decide which way I thought was the street I needed (yay for poorly marked streets). I found it! Finally.
I was on a quest for Basil, brazil nuts, and milk. Milk - leche in Spanish. Totally got that. I was warned that Brazil nuts were called something closer to Almond-something-or-another. Got that. Basil? The other day they had shown me what the basil looked like and where it was. Four days later it was NOT in the same spot. And it is NOT called Basil here. No, it's called albahaca. This, I did not know. And since I don't ever cook anything that requires fresh herbs, I don't know what it looks like. Everything else I saw looked like lettuce, so I grabbed the closest thing I could find. Then I sucked it up and took a bus back to the house.
Yeah...I'm pretty sure I just got a bunch of parsley.